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I will post content about projects I’m working on and whatever stumbling blocks I’ve encountered and how I’ve solved them.
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I recently started working with Bicep to setup deployments of APIs to Azure. Bicep modules provide an easy-to-manage process when single-API deployment is needed.
Lately, I’ve been learning Kubernetes, arguably the most popular container orchestrator. Since I’m a .NET developer, I thought it would be helpful to try out what I’d learned so far by hosting the eShopOnWeb project on my local Kubernetes cluster. Let’s walk through this together.
I have recently been working on a project at work to migrate an Umbraco v7 on-prem service to Service Fabric. Typically, we configure our Service Fabric applications using self-hosted OWIN. However, Umbraco heavily utilizes HttpContext
in their code, which is unavailable in the OWIN context, therefore this approach did not work.
Luckily, Service Fabric supports running docker containers in a highly available, distributed, and resilient environment. It is relatively simple to set up since Service Fabric provides most of the configuration needed to run the containers. Therefore I was able to take the existing WebAPI project, containerize it, and run it in Service Fabric.
I’ll walk you through how to get a Web API up and running in a local Service Fabric cluster within a container.