I recently started working with Bicep to setup deployments of APIs to Azure. Bicep modules provide an easy-to-manage process when single-API deployment is needed.
Lately, I’ve been learning Kubernetes, arguably the most popular container orchestrator. Since I’m a .NET developer, I thought it would be helpful to try out what I’d learned so far by hosting the eShopOnWeb project on my local Kubernetes cluster. Let’s walk through this together.
I have recently been working on a project at work to migrate an Umbraco v7 on-prem service to Service Fabric. Typically, we configure our Service Fabric applications using self-hosted OWIN. However, Umbraco heavily utilizes HttpContext
in their code, which is unavailable in the OWIN context, therefore this approach did not work.
Luckily, Service Fabric supports running docker containers in a highly available, distributed, and resilient environment. It is relatively simple to set up since Service Fabric provides most of the configuration needed to run the containers. Therefore I was able to take the existing WebAPI project, containerize it, and run it in Service Fabric.
I’ll walk you through how to get a Web API up and running in a local Service Fabric cluster within a container.
It’s been a while since I looked at some coding challenges, so I decided to tackle a fun problem. The problem can be found in Leetcode, one of the most popular coding practice platforms. It has a ton of problems, majority of which have been asked in technical interviews at top tech companies like FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google), and Microsoft.
Here’s the problem statement:
Given a linked list, swap every two adjacent nodes and return its head. You must solve the problem without modifying the values in the list’s nodes (i.e., only nodes themselves may be changed.)
The problem states that we cannot modify the values of the list nodes themselves, otherwise the solution would be too easy!
We also, of course, cannot just create a new auxiliary list. Creating an auxiliary list would incur O(n)
space complexity. We must swap the nodes in the linked list given, i.e. O(1)
space complexity.
Two ideas on how to solve this come to mind:
pointer to point to the first node. Maintain a previous and a next pointer reference in order to stitch nodes togetherWe need to be careful about odd numbered lists e.g. 1 -> 2 -> 3
, as well as making sure we do not introduce cycles in the list as we rewire nodes.
Below is my iterative and recursive solutions in Java, with comments to explain what’s going on:
ListNode swapPairsIterative(ListNode head) {
// maintain a dummy node since the head will change when we swap nodes
ListNode dummy = new ListNode();
ListNode prev = dummy;
dummy.next = head;
ListNode curr = head;
while (curr != null && curr.next != null) {
// store reference to next pair
ListNode next = curr.next.next;
// store reference to the node that will be first in current pair
ListNode newCurr = curr.next;
// swap pair nodes
curr.next.next = curr;
// dereference next pointer to avoid cycles
curr.next = null;
// rewire previous pair with current pair
prev.next = newCurr;
prev = curr;
curr = next;
// handle tail of odd numbered lists
if (curr == null || curr.next == null) prev.next = curr;
return dummy.next;
ListNode swapPairsRecursive(ListNode head) {
// base case
if (head == null || head.next == null) return head;
ListNode nextPairHead = swapPairsRecursive(head.next.next);
// swap pair nodes
ListNode newPairHead = head.next;
head.next.next = head;
// dereference next pointer to avoid cycles
head.next = null;
// rewire previous pair with current pair
head.next = nextPairHead;
return newPairHead;
As you can see the recursive approach a bit more cleaner, but the iterative is not too bad either. Both have O(n)
time complexity since we’re visiting each node once, and O(1)
space complexity since we’re modifying the list in-place.
Thanks for reading, and happy coding!
One of the main challenges when setting up Linked ARM templates is how to store the templates so that they are accessible by ARM without making them completely public. Microsoft recommends storing the templates in an Azure Storage Account and securing them with a SAS token. Shared Access Signature (SAS) tokens provide secure access to Azure Storage Account. The scope of the access can be limited to the account, containers, or objects. You can read more about SAS tokens here.
It started with me hoping to start a blog site because I thought it would be cool to have one. However, I didn’t want to go through the hassle of setting up a web application to host the site, which would need a database to host the content. After some digging, I came across Jekyll. Setting up a blog site using Jekyll is a piece of cake! All the posts are just markdown files (text files on steroids), and you can get up and running with a curated prebuilt assortment of themes. Kudos to the creators of Jekyll!